The P5 Report is Here: Particle Physicists Set Sights on the Multi-Billion-Dollar Road Ahead
U.S. physicists share their vision for the future of high energy physics — and ask for the funding to achieve it.
The Scientist Who Launches Rockets at the Northern Lights
At an APS meeting in Denver, Allison Jaynes discussed her work on auroras and the strange plasma physics behind them.
Opinion: The Extraordinary Life and Science of Hilde Levi
Levi, a Jewish German-Danish physicist, escaped the Nazis in the 1930s. In the decades after, she built a diverse career that spanned from biophysics to radioactivity safety.
Science Policy Highlights
National quantum initiative, STEM visa pathways, and more.
APS and Partners Help Members Navigate Anti-DEI Legislation
Laws in states like Florida and across the U.S. have physics educators concerned.
This Month in Physics History
December 1934: Emil Rupp’s Research, Which Fooled Even Einstein, is Exposed as Fraud
Physicist Stuart Parkin, APS Medal Winner, on the Digital Age and “Going Beyond”
An interview with this year’s recipient of APS’s biggest research award.
To Boost Undergrad Enrollment, Physics Departments Turn to APS Innovation Fund Program, DALI
The Departmental Action Leadership Institute has expanded the reach of EP3, a guide for physics departments looking for positive change.
STEP UP Program, Aiming to Grow the Number of Women Physics Majors, Expands Training in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles
Partnering with local colleges has bolstered program efforts, as coordinators plan recruitment for next year’s cohort.
APS’s “Show Me the Money!” Webinar Helps Students Negotiate Job Offers, Kicking Off Multi-Month Careers Series
Peter Fiske advises physicists to reframe the question, “How much will I be paid?” to, “How much am I worth?”
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Editor: Taryn MacKinney